

The following specifications will be applicable for publication of the BJPA for both printed and online versions:

1. Page Layout

The page layout of the online look and the print version look will be the same. For this purpose, there will be a 1.5-inch margin on all sides of an A4 size paper.

2. Font:

Each article will use ‘Times New Roman’ font in 12 font-size in general, except it is specified in the relevant places.

3. Margins:

Top-1.2², Bottom-1.2², Left-1.0², and Right-1.0²

4. Publication information:

The beginning of each article (above the title) will have the following information in 9 font-size in the left alignment—

  • The name of the journal in italic including the acronym BJPA in first brackets, volume number, issue number in first brackets followed by a colon sign, page reference, and year of publication all in the first line and left-aligned; and
  • ISSN number in the second line also left-aligned;
  • The publisher’s name ‘Bangladesh Pubic Administration Training Centre’ will appear at the top in the right alignment. An example is given below:



Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration (BJPA)

26(2): 1-17, 2018

ISSN: 1563-5023 (print), 2664-4622 (online)




Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre

5. Title:

(i) The title will be 16 font-size, Bold, and left-aligned, (ii) There will be 1 line space above and below the title.

6. Author information:

(i) The name(s) of the author(s) will be left-aligned. (ii) The designation, organization, and an e-mail will be footnoted at the bottom of the first page in 9 font-size.

7. Abstract:

(i) The title ‘Abstract’ will be follow heading 1. (ii) The text of the abstract will be of 11 font-size and italicized.

8. Keywords:

(i) The title ‘Keywords’ will be italic, Bold, italic, and left-aligned. (ii) It will have 2 line spaces above and below the text.

9. Heading 1:

(i) Heading one will be of UPPERCASE, Bold, and left-aligned. (ii) It will have 2 line spaces above and below.

10. Heading 2:

(i) Heading two will be Capitalized each word, Bold and left-aligned. (ii) It will have 1.5 line spaces above and below. 

11. Heading 3:

(i) Heading three will be Capitalized each word, Bold, italic, and left-aligned. (ii) It will have 1.5 line spaces above and below.

12. Running Head

(i) The header will show the title of the article as the running head (in shortened form if it is too long) in the odd page numbers and the author's name (connected by & if more than one author) on the even page numbers). (ii) The odd page running head and page number will be right-aligned. (iii) The even page number and author name will be left-aligned. (iv) There will be eight space bar strokes between the page number and the running head or author name.

13. Paragraphs

(i) There will be no line space between paragraphs. (ii) The first line of the second paragraph and onwards will have 0.3² indentation.

14. Table

(i) The word 'Table,' the table number, and the colon in a table title will be Bold. (ii) The table title will be centred and capitalized on each word. (iv) The table title will be above the table.

15. Figure

(i) The word ‘Figure,’ figure number, and colon in a figure title will be Bold. (ii) The figure title will be centred and capitalized on each word. (iv) The figure title will be below the figure.

16. References

(i) There will be no line space between references. (ii) Each reference will have 0.3² hanging.

17. Cover page

Volume, issue of the year, as well as ISSN number, will be displayed at the right-hand corner of the cover page.